Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shock & Surprise

Today Middle-One did something that was completely unexpected and ...well... rather shocking. It blew me away. I was completely caught off guard,I never expected it and I was left speechless.

He approached me and asked if he could talk to me. I said yes and then he just apologized... *sincerely*... without prompting... to me and everyone in the house (one at a time), for *EACH* of his behaviors today...

and then walked away and didn't ask for anything.

I'm gonna cry.


I have NEVER seen him do that.

I needed to share that before he sabotaged it. I need for that amazing, incredible moment to be recoreded and when I doubt it in the future I need someone to remind me that today, in an isolated moment of time, I DID see remorse and maturity... I did.

Dare to hope.


GB's Mom said...

Gotta save those moments for when you need them. Congratulations!

FosterAbba said...

It's nice when they do that. Save the moment.

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Wow. That's something that doesn't happen often - good for you both.

mamatomany said...

How exciting, T! Praying for those moments to continue and increase... :)